

The Sit Chat and Chew private membership group is a 6 week transformational mindset reboot and nutritional planning program that consists of cooking demonstrations, customized nutritional guidance and motivational mindset coaching.


Weekly Payments



Full Payment

How it works

The program cost is $240 for 6 weeks which equals to $40 per week to be paid in full. Nutritional plans will vary week to week but can accommodate any dietary restrictions to include postpartum. Each member gains access to two coaches and the other program participants. After the first 6 weeks, the program is available for FREE to maintain progress. 

Each week members will receive the following:

• Motivational Mindset Session Live with Coach Donna on Monday and Wednesday

• Nutritional Guidance Session Live with Coach Michele on Tuesday and Thursday

• Weekly Live Cooking Demonstration via Zoom with Coaches Michele and Donna on Fridays of each week

• Live Grocery Store Tour (twice during the 6 week period) 

Sign up

Click the membership link and fill in your contact information

Submit Payment

Click the payment link to either pay via Paypal or enter your credit card information

Submit Payment
Check Your Email

Click the link to access the private Facebook group to receive all of the details

You're ready!

Our in-house experts will review the information you submit in order to create a plan that works with your needs

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